Jarvis | Automated bug hunting tool | Reconnaissance tool

HackPeas Freelancers
7 min readJun 14, 2022

Jarvis is a cloud/Docker-based automated bug hunting tool that can run in both ways locally or on a server. it is built on a ubuntu docker image, so it is easy to set up.

what Jarvis can do?

  • will give a list of all subdomains for the given target domain. along with the status code. [ use Amass, Sublist3r, Subfinder, assetfinder and github-subdomains ]
  • directory brute force for 403, and 404. check 404 for subdomain takeover.
  • give a table for all alive subdomains along with their Status Code and title.
  • give all URLs from different sources, for all the subdomains, and classify the URLs on the basis of a possible attack on them, like XSS, RXSS, SQLI, IDOR, Redirect URL, RCE, LFI, etc [ use Waybackurls, Gau, etc to find the URLs ]
  • check for s3 buckets for each subdomain, and also list out all the s3bucket names collected from the JS/HTML files.
  • create a list of all subdomains which are using the WordPress server. also, check whether the XMLRPC server is enabled or not.
  • it will notify you via email about the attack status
  • you can launch the attack using the web page, or by sending a crafted email to Jarvis's email id.
  • all the attack data will be stored in an s3 bucket so you can download it whenever you want.


  • at least 2GB RAM
  • good internet connection
  • Active AWS account
  • Github account

Setting up Jarvis on AWS EC2 instance

Step 1: getting required credentials ready =>

i) Github tokens =>

while performing subdomain enumeration, s3-bucket enumeration, etc. Jarvis needs at least two Github tokens.

To generate the tokens => first open your Github account -> open settings

hackpeas , veer1024 , viraj vaishnav

Scroll down to the bottom, you can see Developer Settings -> click on it -> click on personal access tokens

click on generate new token -> give the name -> give all kinda read access ( write access not required ) -> don’t forget to change expiration period to never expired.

finally, click on generate a token

copy the token and save it in a file with the name TOKENSFILE, generate at least two tokens, and saved them in the same file line by line.

ii) AWS user access/secret key =>

Sign into your AWS console -> search for IAM -> open it

On the left panel, click on users -> then click on add user ->

give user name -> check for programmatic access ->

Create a group -> give administrative access to this group -> create a group

Check for the group you have created -> next

give any tag you want -> next -> create user

Now copy the access and secret key for the user

done !!

step 2: making resources ready =>

i) Creating an s3 bucket: for storing data of Jarvis, and reconn data of target => In AWS console, search for s3 and open it

Create bucket ->

Give name -> and block all kinda public access, to make the bucket secure

Create bucket -> done !!

ii) launching EC2 instance =>

to run the Jarvis you need an EC2 instance, for Jarvis best recommendation is

  • t2.micro
  • 30 GB SSD
  • Ubuntu 20.04 AMI

Open AWS console account -> search of EC2 -> open the page

Click on Launch Instance ->

Give name -> select ubuntu image ->

Click on create a new key pair : this is useful for SSH login /sign-in on instance ->

Give name for key -> select RSA -> select perm -> create the key -> download and save it

Select create security group -> select ssh -> select HTTP -> select HTTPS ->

Give 30GB storage -> launch instance

Instance launch successfully, click on view instance to check the instance status ->

Jarvis Installation

  1. . connect to the EC2 instance you have created using ssh-key -> select the instance -> click on connect

2) now open the terminal, in the folder where you have stored the key -> give permission of key ->

$ chmod 400 “key_name.pem”

and then to connect to the server give the example command as shown in the connect pop ->

$ ssh -i “jarvis.pem” ubuntu@ec2–52–66–206–62.ap-south-1.compute.amazonaws.com

give sudo su to be root.

3). now install git ->

$ apt-get install git

with ubuntu 20.04 it will come pre-installed.

git clone the Jarvis repo -> https://github.com/veer1024/Jarvis.git

$ git clone https://github.com/veer1024/Jarvis.git

now cd to Jarvis directory and run the setup.sh file

$ cd Jarvis

$ bash setup.sh

Now here Jarvis is installed, and we need to configure it ->

run this command in the terminal ->

$ docker run -it -p 80:80 hackpeas/jarvis-the-hunter:1.0

# sudo su

root@docker_id# cd Jarvis

root@docker_id# bash start.sh

now go to your, AWS console -> EC2 management -> for the jarvis server -> copy the ipv4 domain link

and open it in a browser ->

Click on the admin tab -> you need to put AWS user credentials and bucket name here ->

Click on save credentials -> cross-verify that the credentials are saved properly, by checking cat /etc/creds.config file

Now go admin tab again -> click on Choose file in github token upload section ->

choose the file TOKENSFILE ( containing Github token per line ) -> upload token file -> check the file upload successful message ->

Cross-verify by checking content of /etc/creds/TOKENSFILE

now go to jarvis docker terminal -> click exit -> click exit -> to EC2 ubuntu terminal -> check for docker ps

$ docker ps — all

now you need to commit the changes you made in your Jarvis image ->

$ docker commit “LATEST_CONTAINED_ID” hackpeas/jarvis-the-hunter:1.0

Now changes are stored, you can cross-verify by again opening the docker container and by checking /etc/creds.config && /etc/creds/TOKENSFILE

INSTALLATION && CONFIGURATION done successfully !!

check https://github.com/veer1024/Jarvis -> for a user help guide -> how to use Jarvis

if you like the tool, give it a star on Github and clap on this post

For more DevOps, CTFs and bug bounty writeup, or content related to ethical hacking, android penetration testing. follow me on:

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC17W_Ircv7EmIIdbJeOQ_BQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hackpeas/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/viraj-vaishnav-19b0a61aa/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/VirajVaishnav16

Thank You..



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